99.9% of the British population love cake and are obsessed with the making, the baking, the filming and the eating of it. They are a cornerstone at every bake sale, have dedicated aisles in supermarkets, shelves upon shelves in bookshops for cake recipe books, the centrepiece of any special social even, and even at workplace gatherings. With such a prominent presence stamped into British culture, it's no surprise that people have such strong feelings towards it. Especially, when it comes to cake flavours.
As a nation, when it comes to cake, we are unified in our obsession despite our personal preferences. So when a new flavour bursts onto the scene, we all get right behind it, jumping with both feet in, and make sure it is everywhere, on everything, all at once.
We've seen this happen with Red Velvet, Oreo, Nutella, Biscoff, and Birthday Cake over the years...and dare we say it, it's now the era of Pistachio!
Now, pistachio isn't a new flavour as such. It's been a mainstay in the favourite gelato flavour leagues and one of the most popular macaron flavours too. However, it seems to have gained a sudden and sharp rise across ALL categories of desserts. And it's definitely having a moment.
Pistachio doughnuts? Yup. Pistachio croissants? Yes please. Pistachio Lindor? YASSS. Pistachio spreads? OMG, let's have it on toast, pancakes, waffles, ice cream sundaes, an IV drip please. Pistachio lattes? There's that too.

So of course, pistachio cake was going to be our new obsession. It might be down to its subtle sweetness, its buttery nuttiness, or the mild sense of bougie that accompanies this uber-lux nutty commodity, I can't quite put my finger on why pistachio has such a hold over us. But it's now an obsession.
Our Posh Pistachio cake, made with our pistachio hero sponge layers, and decorated with soft and silky Swiss meringue buttercream in perfectly piped swirls, and raspberry and pistachio macarons has been a long-time favourite of our customers.

But our new Pistachio Baklava cake and Pistachio Truffle cake have sprung up on us amidst this new flavour obsession...and we are umm...OBSESSED.

Why are these cakes so much more special than any other pistachio cake? It's all down to the creamy, smooth, Sicilian pistachio creme. Dripped over the cake, and filling our chocolate truffles, it's a mouthful of pistachio-heaven, elevating every bite of cake.

Are you ready for the pistachio era? We sure are. I'm off to do a pistachio dessert crawl of London.
Lots of love,
Reshmi xoxo
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