Is cake smashing the dumbest cake trend ever?

In today’s edition of ‘Things That Make No Sense,’ people are now buying cakes just to obliterate them for the ‘gram. Because nothing says ‘happy first birthday’ like wasting perfectly good cake. For real, it’s a thing, and it’s called the cake smash. And if you’re anything like me, the thought of a celebration cake smashing, smooshing or squishing is pretty horrifying. But that’s exactly what some people are doing ON PURPOSE when their kidlet turns one.

Nobody wants to own up to inventing this mess - probably because they know deep down it’s ridiculous. But somehow, in the last decade, smashing cakes for baby birthdays became a thing, and now we’re all forced to pretend it’s normal. It has become an increasingly popular addition to many 1st birthday celebrations in the US, and it’s gaining ground here in the UK.

But what is a smash cake and WHY would anyone think it’s a good idea?!

Cake Smashing


Well, essentially the idea is to put a cake- made and bought specifically for this purpose- in front of your 1 year old and let them wreak havoc on it. The result is meant to produce delightfully cute scenes, as your baby frolics with the frosting, demolishes the sponge and generally makes a giant mess of things. Generally to be shared on social media (because cute kids and cake is INSTAGRAM GOLD!).

Now this doesn’t sound like an obvious photo op to me, but supposedly it’s so adorable that pro photographers even offer smash cake packages to capture baby’s first taste of refined sugar. Because obviously, the pinnacle of parenting is watching your child go feral on a cake for the first time ever. Forget first steps - this is the real milestone.

And if you’re thinking about the inevitable mammoth clean-up, don’t worry, the trend is way ahead of you. Not only do people buy cakes to destroy, but now there’s a whole industry for post-smash clean-ups. Because what’s better than one forced photoshoot? Two.

Say it with me: Cake is for eating. Not for pulverising. Not for content. Just for eating.

Baby Cake Smash

Baby not into cake? Just bring cake to baby! | Pic via

There’s no denying that messy babies and cute cakes are a killer combo in the awwww stakes, but I still can’t believe this has grown into a thing!

It’s already weird that parents buy a cake just to ruin it. But what’s worse? The fact that half these babies aren’t even into it, so their parents force them to smash the cake for the perfect shot. Because nothing screams wholesome childhood memories like coerced destruction. I'm not really sure how or when engineering Pinterest-worthy scenes like this, showing the world that your kid is having fun on their birthday bashing up a cake, was normalised.

I just can’t get behind a trend that willingly destroys DELICIOUS cake that was beautifully baked and frosted, it’s too much of a waste of time, ingredients and tastiness, no matter how good the pics are! Maybe, just maybe a cupcake mashed up would get that perfect 'gram, while leaving the other 11 out of the dozen intact.

Choose a cake that both baby and guests can enjoy

Pastel Numbered Cake

Number birthday cake by Anges

So if your little one is coming up to their first birthday, why not consider our new number one birthday cake instead. The vanilla sponge is sandwiched and frosted with our signature smooth and silky vanilla Swiss meringue buttercream, glazed with Belgian chocolate drip and decorated with a beautiful pastel buttercream piped "mosaic" - all swirly, whirly and florally. Put a slice of this baby in front of your baby, and I’m pretty confident you’ll get the same cute messy cake pics, without the waste.

If your little one’s first birthday must involve cake (as it should), why not give them something worth eating? Check out our Number Birthday Cakes - because smashing is for piñatas, not dessert.

62 Responses

<a href="">google</a>

<a href="">google</a>

September 30, 2024

nice post



June 17, 2024

For me it feeds into the whole culture of turning one’s children into cute commodities. I wonder how much these things are for the children… or the parents need to show off their cute lifestyle. I’d take natural pictures in the park over this any day.



April 09, 2024

I want to help out if I can. Cake smash for a one year old birthday was not for photos. My family has been doing it for decades. We bought a small cake for the birthday baby and then a bigger cake for everyone else. The point was to let the baby have their very own cake to explore. Maybe someone took a picture of a baby destroying their cake and it just took off.



March 08, 2023

Yes, even smashing cake in your spouses face at a wedding is incredibly tacky, and no o e finds it funny- just awkward forced laughter.

Children are disgusting g when they eat to begin with, no one wants to see your kid covered in food- As for the one who shared the cake that was remaining after their kid mailed it- even more disgusting. Also, the person who was going to share the small cake with another young relatives- it’s not that kids birthday, set boundaries.

It’s one thing if the small cake is made of baby friendly ingredients, but even then you don’t need to have the kid make a we’re k of it.

Here is a fun fact- no one wants to be at your babies birthday party except you and its grandparents. Small Children’s birthday parties are a horror for adults.

Learn some etiquette



December 12, 2022

Nope, the dumbest trend ever is “gender reveal” that involves blowing stuff up and injuring or even killing people. Smash cake is way down the list.

Ethel Beavers

Ethel Beavers

September 21, 2022

This is a relatively old tradition. I had a smash cake for my first birthday and I’m 30-years-old, and I’ll do the same for my daughter when she turns one. It’s fun, it hurts no one (especially you), so why dump all over it? I imagine you’re only learning of this because you probably don’t get very many party invites with your sparkling personality. Oof.



August 23, 2022

I made two cakes for my kiddo. His first birthday was his first time having refined sugar and it took him a solid 15 minutes to touch it. We didn’t coax him. The day was about him though.
The day was about him. It was for his first birthday alone and so we didn’t set any food wasting precedent and the ingredients were extra so there was no attack on global hunger to make his cake.

I find things like gender reveals to be ridiculous, but think it’s nice to have traditions. It’s nice when the kids to grow up to look at their photo album and see we did something extra special for their first birthday. I was one of ten kids (pre-social media 80’s) so there were very few pics of my as a little and I love the lone cake pic from my first birthday,



August 18, 2022

YES Katheryn Patiño Rojas, some people are “boring”. These who do not like showing off and wasting food when half a word outside your fancy manor starving to death. It’s not about your stupid "manners"of rich emos, it’s about respect for food and life together. The same with big fancy parties for 1y old. Kids starting understand parties and fun around 3-4y old, before the small family party is enough, but of course not for these who need to show the all world how fancy-shmancy they are (and get tons of presents, offering usually at this party the possibility of taking the picture of the dirty baby…)



August 18, 2022

Seems that these parents were NEVER hungry. Never seen or met hungry or starving person (really???) Teaching kid from the very beginning that food , especially GOOD food can be simply thrown into a garbage? I found this only in America, never heard of it before and I’m not surprise why. Wise people respect food. And it’s not truth that these cakes are “small and of uncomplicated in design”. Usually the bigger, the better, for big “showing off” how fancy the parents are, how expensive cake they can afford (very rarely the cake is made by parent)… Someone said that kids often ate the cake. Of course they do, my kids also did. Only they ate this small first piece they got, not wasted all cake. Sad.

Fred Hunt

Fred Hunt

August 09, 2022

Don’t mind me, I’m just here for the spicy comments.



July 22, 2022

I agree this is disgusting. Like you spend money just to destroy the cake and make a big mess out if it. Wasting food is a crime to me.



July 21, 2022

As a baker a smash cake doesn’t bother me at all. Either way it’s getting eaten and destroyed why does it matter? I have no problem making a mini cake to get smashed, small cakes are adorable. Sounds like your just trying to promote yourself. Get over it.



July 21, 2022

Stupid trend for low IQ parents.

Katheryn Patiño Rojas

Katheryn Patiño Rojas

July 14, 2022

People here is so boring!! They say that teaches babies to be a mess, and don’t teach good manners. They are one year, they don’t have the development to have manners. They are learning to eat and the best way is to be a mess. It is about the experience, the feeling. And the pictures are awesome.

John Shardlow

John Shardlow

June 24, 2022

I’m a baby photographer with Photography for Little People and I really don’t like cake smashes. I always encourage parents to opt for something timeless and less messy. Photos with the cake are fine, photos of baby eating a slice of cake maybe, but there’s no need in my opinion to smash up a perfectly good cake.

What’s more worrying is the trend for a cake smash & splash; mains powered studio lights, water going everywhere, and small children seems like a recipe for disaster to me.



May 19, 2022

Smash cakes have been around for AT LEAST 20 years – I have some old cake decorating books from 1999 that had “smash cake” ideas. So no, it’s NOT another “social media” trend. At a year old, babies have no concept of “manners” – they’re only just getting a grip on gravity! And a baby with cake and frosting all over their face is…the least disgusting thing about babies. They do WAY more gross stuff than that, lol.



March 30, 2022

The ridiculous of smash cakes aside, having a party for an infant is silly.



March 08, 2022

I think cake smashes are idiotic. Almost as bad as the ridiculous gender reveals. Everything is for social media. When did the world get so trashy?



January 17, 2022

This is pretty hilarious. Making my kid a “smash cake” (didn’t know there was a term or trend when this was decided, just something my family does) because the frosting will be Greek yogurt with a tiny bit of maple syrup and some vanilla added for flavoring then some spirulina and carrot or sweet potato powder for green & orange coloring (just enough to tint without much impact on flavor). Only sugar for the cake itself will be bananas and applesauce, no artificial sweeteners either.
My assumption is that the adult guests would like a cake tailored to their tastes and my baby would not like being left out so he’ll have a small version to himself that looks like what we’re eating but won’t upset his stomach. If his cousin attends I’ll make it just a little bigger than planned and slice off half for her so she gets the same benefits.
Guess what, babies are messy eaters and it can definitely get gross but it’s how they learn. Guess what else, IT’S MY ONLY CHILD’S 1ST BIRTHDAY AND I’M GOING TO TAKE AS MANY PICTURES OF HIM HAVING FUN AS I WANT, EVEN IF HE LOOKS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! Quick rinse off, change of clothes and diaper and he’s back to his party in 5 min tops. I personally don’t use a lot of social media, but I’m sure with family attending a few will land online. If you don’t like it don’t look. If you want your 1 yr old to chow down on refined sugars just so you don’t waste time and money on a 2nd tiny cake go for it. If you make a healthy cake for everyone, not just baby, you’re a better person than me & if you want to skip cake entirely go for it.
Also, my oldest sibling is 35 and youngest is 24, we all had this growing up, very similar recipes. Seems a bit older that 10 yr tradition, though i guess that may be when it started getting popular.



January 06, 2022

Cakes are made for eating, not to deliberately destroy. What a waste and what are we teaching our little ones. As someone who makes and ices cakes of all descriptions I think it is a crazy idea and wouldn’t be interested in making a cake for anyone who wanted to do this to it or encouraged children to do it.
I personally feel we should appreciate and be thankful we have food and teach our little ones it is for eating not plastering everywhere, let them go play in the mud if you want them to get dirty!

Aston Marran

Aston Marran

November 18, 2021

I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels punished by these smash cakes! Ew!!! What is wrong with people?

A baby demolishing its food is NOT cute. It’s gross. Everybody is smiling because they don’t want to be rude, but we’re all barfing inside at your disgusting child.

We’re all taught to eat with our mouths closed and not to play with our food for a reason: people find it disgusting. To all you smash-prone parents out there: Try to have a little decency. Consider others. (Consideration for others—is that even a thing anymore? Or is it just ‘me me me me me’ and ‘I want what I want’?)

The things people do for attention sometimes ….. Blech!!!



September 18, 2021

I agree it is the stupidest thing they have come up with… 1 Year-olds will smoosh their food (including a cake) and play while they eat. It’s just a fact of being a child. As a parent you encourage your child to learn through all senses, and at that age things are very tactile. Having a special cake labeled “smash cake” is just a bizarre unnecessary trend. Seriously, why a “smash cake” — why can’t the child just smash whatever piece you cut off the main cake for him/her? What’s all the big whoopla over a specially named cake? It’s just another commercialized way to get more money out of parents for something that didn’t and doesn’t need to exist. Or it’s parents with way too much money (not enough time spent with their child, guilt) here let me “shower you with love in the form of how much I spend??” For those complaining about the post, then move on and don’t read it. Just because it’s on the net doesn’t mean you have to read it, no need to be mean about it. She’s just stating her opinion, since when does that mean you have to be mean spirited?



September 15, 2021

I came across this post because I was trying to figure out when did this smash cake thing for a one year old begin and why?! This one is a fad that I just can’t get with, however if other parents really want to do this for their little one I’m in agreement with you that they should bake or get a jumbo cupcake. Less waste.



September 14, 2021

You are officially a karen. Let the kids enjoy their cake and stop judging parents. You sound like someone who has ocd and is a germaphobe and a snob. If you don’t like it, don’t look. Pull your finger out and let people enjoy life



July 25, 2021

Quite hilarious on how someone is mad about what another parent chooses to do with THEIR child. My daughter just had her smash cake photos today , spent $30 on a beautiful cake , she had such an amazing time eating it and everything. Cleaned her up , and served the rest of the cake she didn’t touch. BEST money I’ve ever spent and I will always have the memories. It’s not about the money , it’s about the memories and watching my daughter enjoy herself.

Chris Upton

Chris Upton

March 14, 2021

My daughter is paying $40-60(Cdn) for a smash cake at a photographer’s house, during a pandemic, just for cute pictures of her 1yr old.
I told her that I too have pics of her when she was 1 yrs old ripping apart a homemade giant cookie. We were broke and couldn’t afford to shop so I baked the cookie mix I had in my cupboard that day, in 1994!
The thought of spending money on a cake (or cookie) for a 1 y/o to simply get pictures and make a mess, is clearly in the best interest of the person receiving the payment. Dummy mummies everywhere, baby doesn’t care and won’t care in their 20s that you gave them sugar on their 1st birthday. It’s currently, all about you!
Careful what you post on social media, as it will live on or haunt them forever!



February 17, 2021

I don’t care what people do with their kids, but I find photos for public display of kids with food (cake or otherwise) all over their faces to be repulsive. I hate when other millennial parents post this garbage on social media, and have unfollowed many people for posting these disgusting pictures, as well as pictures of their babies with snot all over and pictures of kids feces. It’s sick and disrespectful to your child who will someday be an adult, but mostly it’s narcissistic. When my kid turns one, they’ll get cake, but I’ll promptly clean their face when it’s dirty just like I always do. They don’t need some douchie smash-cake to have a sensory experience. Keep it to yourselves please.



November 29, 2020

I came to this article because I was browsing a handmade pottery website that sold custom “Smash” cake sets. It was $175 for the cake stand and cake. I had no idea what a smash cake was. I was appalled to find out that it is for babies! I can completely understand baking you own cake for smashing purposes but the idea of purchasing such lavish expensive cakes or cake stands for the sole purpose of smashing? ABSURD. Yes sensory play is great and I love kids but I find the commercialization of this event and reveal parties completely frivolous and what the youth would call appallingly extra. But if one has the money who cares I suppose.



November 23, 2020

Sorry, but this post is just ridiculous… I’m baffled how someone can get so worked up about a birthday celebration for a one-year-old?
A cake is meant to be eaten, and it’s used for celebration. Babies learn to eat by being messy, and discovering new foods and flavors is a joy I think all people can get behind. What on earth is so offensive to you as to let a baby explore new textures and flavors in a celebratory manner by getting them a small, personal cake for such a major milestone?
It’s not only about the pictures (which, by the way, most people I know don’t bother with a professional photographer), it’s about the experience, and seeing your baby’s joy as everyone sings happy birthday and cheers them on.
Smash cakes are harmless fun. I don’t agree with parents forcing the ‘smash’, but most parents just want their babies to have a delightful and delicious party. If you don’t want to have that kind of celebration for your kid, that’s fine, but stop judging other people for getting some joy out of it.
Lighten up!



October 20, 2020

Like some other commenters shared, it is about the play, the sensorial fun of the creamy frosting, and getting all messy. That is what being a baby is about! If you are worried about the cake, that’s pretty sad! Valuing food over an unforgettable experience for the entire family and a fun activity for a miraculous little human who is growing, learning and magically becoming an independent person, who just survived his or her first 12 months of life! That is a more than enough reason to “sacrifice” a combination of flour, sugar, and some hours of work. That little life deserves that and much more, if you ask me! May the tradition continue and may many cameras/phones around the world continue immortalizing these adorable moments forever! My baby turns one in a few weeks, you better believe it that she will be smashing a cake and having all the fun of sensory play with that yummy and sweet creation💗🙌🏽

Jana Price

Jana Price

September 28, 2020

Such a nasty tradition! ( if you want to call that Made up thing a tradition!) Very gross and the so are the First birthday pictures!
What The Hell is cute about your baby getting filthy ??



September 22, 2020

you all are NO FUN! Its just cake. It’s often free when you buy a sheet cake, so no one is spending $40 to let a baby mush a cake. The concept of manners isn’t destroyed by 15 minutes of messiness. I am adamant about keeping images of my son off the internet… so I no social media validation aspect for me..

When he turns one, he’s going to mush up a cake and I’m going to take pictures for his baby album. Messy babies are very cute.
Get over yourselves.

Collette McRobert

Collette McRobert

September 09, 2020

I think smash cakes are ridiculous! First of all what are you teaching kiddies? Secondly it is such a waste. I was at a one year old birthday party where the parents shoved the babies face and hands into the cake and there were a group of 5 – 7 year old kiddies at the party and they decided that they would do the same thing and proceeded to shove their fingers and hands to all the other cupcakes.



August 31, 2020

Oh boy… Eating gets messy with babies who are learning to feed themselves. “Playing” with their food is an important part of learning about new textures and how to get food into their mouths to swallow. Sure, many (if not most) people do smash cakes because it’s a trend but I don’t see anything wrong with celebrating your baby’s birthday by doing something special for them and allowing them to explore and enjoy their food.
Put a cake in front of a 1 year old and things will get messy; which is mainly why I would make the cake myself (also because babies don’t need added sugar at 1) instead of buying a $40 cake to get destroyed.



August 11, 2020

I gave my children who are now 43 and 39 a small sponge cake covered with cream and strawberries of their very own. Toddlers are very much into exploring the feel and taste of food and this was a fun way to celebrate their birthdays while honoring their need to explore their food. The term smash cake is new to me, but the idea is basically what I did years ago.



June 02, 2020

I’m almost 30 years old and my dad did this for my first birthday. Its still one of his fondest memories he is so proud of the cake he made himself just for me. My twins will be 1 in a couple weeks and I’m going to make them each a small cake and then cupcakes for everyone else. It’s cute and fun and a family tradition for many I think social media just put it in the forefront for us.

Cynthia Mayville

Cynthia Mayville

April 16, 2020

I am 64 years old & before I moved to Michigan 14 years ago I had never heard of a smash cake. And as far as I’m concerned, it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Yes. Babies do smash & mush around their food. That is a normal everyday thing. But to buy a cake (& people here actually often hire photographers) to be used specifically to be smashed into a million pieces & to cover the baby & make an absolute mess? I’m with you. I just don’t get it. Seems rather idiotic to me. And a waste of perfectly good cake. Most parents, I would think, would be glad when their child is old enough to eat without needing to be bathed afterward. Sheesh!

Catherine Ervin

Catherine Ervin

February 12, 2020

I realize that this post and it’s comments should not be upsetting me as much as they are, but for some reason I’m highly annoyed! First off, what do you mean by you don’t know when this trend started?? I’m…how about from the time birthday cakes were invented. Babies have always smashed up their cakes if you put it infront of them. And why shouldn’t they? It’s their birthday in the first place! Second, whoever said that this is a terrible way to teach table manners, you’re kidding right? Babies are supposed to mess with their food, it’s how they learn. Plus I’m pretty sure that ONE day is not going to imprint bad table manners on your child for all eternity. Third, the whole point of a second ‘smash’ cake is to make it simple and small and from healthier ingredients that are better suited for babie’s tummy. Lastly, not all parents do this for a photo op. I did it with mine because, crazy thought here, they loved it! Of course I took pictures to show them later in life and to remember it by. The only thing I agree with you on is that it’s outrageous to force it on a baby for photo ops. And it’s silly to pay tons of money for an expensive “smash cake” when it can be quickly and cheaply made at home. Let’s not forget who’s birthday it is and the baby we are celebrating. Their enjoyment should be number one priority. So if my one year old wants to destroy her cake and make a mess and it brings a smile to her face then have at it little baby! And if she has no interest in “smashing” her cake then cool. That’s alright by me too. It’s your birthday little baby. YOU enjoy it whatever way you want!!!



February 03, 2020

You realize that no matter how delicious your cake is, babies actually can’t enjoy it? Babies have very delicate stomachs, and more often than not, smash cakes are baked with whole wheat flour, banana, and very little sugar. they’re made to be destroyed and enjoyed in small occasional nibbles, not eaten by the slice. and it’s not mainly about getting pictures like this article leads to believe. Children, especially 1 year olds, have a tendency to play with their food and understand what they’re putting in their mouths. However, this is frowned upon in everyday household activities. The idea of giving them a whole cake just to wreck is supposed to be a celebratory thing for them, a special day for messiness! You clearly don’t understand how much fun it is for toddlers and children to smash what shouldn’t be smashed. And for the record, even if you put a big, beautiful #1 cake in front of them, all cut up for their enjoyment (mainly the adults enjoyment), they would still love to smash it to bits.

Babies are a tricky thing, I know. But you should try to understand that they’re not little adults.



January 10, 2020

This reads like satire – a post written by someone pretending to be judgemental. Then I read the comments and people really are angry about people taking photos of their toddler messily eating cake on their birthday. It’s “privileged” and “for chavs” and “unhealthy”. Wow, people get angry and judgemental about everything. It’s a “trend” in that parents are getting higher quality photos than the ones they had taken of them in the 80s and 90s. People have been taking these photos for decades.

I guess we all know what not to buy from you.



November 11, 2019

A smash cake?! Never heard of it. Don’t understand it. Seems like the epitome of privilege. It’s obviously not about the child either. If your one year old isn’t happy with one cake…I don’t know what you’ve done to them. Seems like something people do just to post a picture. Eye roll



November 10, 2019

Smashing cakes have gone back to when I was a kid and I’m 36. The only difference is it was a gigantic cake and smash cakes are not. Smash cakes are a heck a lot smaller than normal cakes. A cupcake doesn’t do it. Imagine a big candle on a cupcake. Yeah that would look wonderful 🙄🤦‍♀️.
Kids are meant to play with their food. It’s how they understand what they are eating.



July 07, 2019

Am I the only person who finds photos of babies covered in cake pretty revolting? I’ve seen the photo shoots, dress a baby up then cover it in cake, then bath it .. all for the camera? My children had a birthday cake shared with the family and they had a slice of it. Yes they made a mess, no I didn’t feel any urge to take photos of them daubed in food.



May 02, 2019




January 27, 2019

I did a cake smash and I love the photos! It was totally worth doing as a milestone (also got a free photographer and personalised cake and signage, would have not paid for it otherwise).

If one day of my baby eating a few mouthful of cake and guest eating the leftovers is a crime, then I am guilty (and a chav supposedly)! 😉



January 27, 2019

I totally agree, when I turned one i got a biscuit with some fruit on it. I was happy with it. And by the way I never missed pictures of me smashing a cake

Wendy Diedrich

Wendy Diedrich

January 27, 2019

I’m not going to hate on your post. I too think a beautiful cake shouldn’t be destroyed like that. But, this phenomena goes further back then ten years in the US.
I was born in 1963, I have the photos from my first birthday in 1964, where I destroyed a large two-layer birthday cake. Everyone I knew growing up did this, and my Facebook feed is still filled with family and friends doing the same.
I think the only difference, is that the smash cake is more elaborate then in days past.



January 27, 2019

Completely agree why if ya really wanna see ya baby smash a cake up give them a simple cupcake you could make yaself why waste someone’s hard work and their hard earned money?



January 27, 2019

I assume you’re mortified by newlyweds smashing cake in each other’s faces? Is it a waste of valuable cake or toxic rubbish, I lost track. One day of a few bites of cake teaches NOTHING people. Plus, last time I checked this is exactly how one year olds eat literally everything. If you birth another human and keep them alive for a year, then want a pic of them smearing cake everywhere then you get that. No big deal. But no worries, I guarantee parents don’t care what you think and judging parents is pretty unoriginal content.



October 17, 2018

I’m kind of in agreement, it teaches kids to mess around with their food and a waste of money. Though for our daughters birthday I’m making a tiny healthy cake for her to try on the day and having an adult proper cake for her birthday… which will be smashed down with a glass of fizz!

Shen Shen

Shen Shen

October 08, 2018

Get a grip. I highly doubt that people are spending hundreds of pounds on a cake for a baby to smash it. Its personal choice and something fun to look back on, I dont see the problem. And I dont know why people concern themselves with what other do!

Shona Rose

Shona Rose

September 29, 2018

Completely agree. I hate the fact that this is gaining in popularity in the Uk. My children didn’t taste refined sugar until age 3, and they were hardly missing out. I would never have let them stuff themselves with unnecessary toxic rubbish just to provide a ludicrously staged photo “opportunity”! Ugh. Lets be honest, before age 3 or 4, birthday celebrations are purely for the adults and their friends.



September 24, 2018




August 21, 2018

I hate seeing smashcakes it’s just so ridiculous… children year after year have less good manners and you even encourage them to be worse for fun yey



August 01, 2018

@MCK take a chill pill! Calm down and take a deep breathe. It will all be fine. Ommmmm



July 31, 2018

They’re called smash cakes because that’s what a baby does….smash something to try and get it in his or her mouth. For each of my children’s first birthdays, I baked something small and simple with easy whipped topping. I did something a little more elegant for guests. What is ridiculous is suggesting a recipe with considerably more complicated elements as though either a one year old should be skilled with a fork or shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy the cake at all. Are you even a parent? It’s a first birthday with a cake that many people turn down and much ends up in the trash anyway. Get a grip.



June 08, 2018

What a great way to start early in teaching a child some manners when it comes to eating and proper behavior at the table. “Oh look, little Suzie Q has a nostril full of cake and is having difficulty breathing! This will be a great photo for FB. Not many can compare with this!” Adults with that attitude are anything but adult.



May 30, 2018

I think it’s a dumb “tradition”. What’s wrong with a square or slice of cake for baby to eat/play with? Over-indulgent. Also,the staged nature is annoying. Just my opinion! But, as another poster, said, “To each his own”. Despite the dopey nature of a smash cake (not to mention waste), it’s not really hurting anyone. Same as Gender Reveal cakes.

Alisa Evans

Alisa Evans

May 17, 2018

When my 21 year old son turned one I baked him his own personal cake. It made great pics. So imagine my surprise when I heard they had come out with “smash cakes”! These people just didn’t know me because I have 11 years on the supposed 10 year history of its popularity! IJS



March 28, 2018

So when did this become a smash cake. We used to always have a little cake just for baby to eat & get messy with so they didn’t destroy the other cake for the adults & other kids. We just called it their cake. And if u can keep a 1 yr old from destroying any food put in front of them , including a slice of cake, well….



March 19, 2018

I see in the pics that the kids are often messily eating the cake, not just smashing them. The cakes are made for that purpose, and are small and of uncomplicated in design. I don’t see the problem with doing it honestly, as cake making is a form of temporary art. All cakes, no matter what they are for will be destroyed at the end of whatever their purpose was – many ending up in the toilet.

The only thing that disturbs me about fads like this is the contrived element. I like more candid, ‘organic’ photos.

But to each their own.



June 17, 2017

FINALLY someone who understands that cake should be consumed and not obliterated!

Loved your post. Love your delectable selection, too!

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