Baking on a Budget: Five Ways to Cut Energy Consumption

Energy bills are giving us heart attacks, but let’s be real - cutting cake out of life is NOT the solution. I’ve seen enough ‘baking hacks’ telling us to use slow cookers and air fryers, but I refuse to bake my kid’s birthday cake in a glorified sandwich toaster. So here’s how to bake proper cake AND keep your bills sane. 

Baking is also one of the most popular hobbies across households in the UK - half of British people bake at home at least once a week. And cake brings joy - the making as well as the eating. But we can't ignore the energy crisis because it's literally costing us money. Keeping an eye on the energy we’re using could do us all, and the planet, some good. No need to resort to mug cakes yet!

So, keeping it simple there’s 5 things you can do - easily - that’ll help.

Revolutionize Your Cake Game: Pull-Apart Cupcake Magic

Want a cake that looks like a showstopper but bakes in half the time? Meet the pull-apart cupcake cake - aka the genius hack that lets you dodge sky-high baking times AND washing up. Bake cupcakes in bulk, arrange them on a board, frost like a pro, and boom - you’ve got a ‘cake’ that guests can just pull apart like magic. No slicing, no extra dishes, just cake efficiency at its finest. You can also easily double or triple up the recipe to make up to 4 batches simultaneously in the oven by using all the levels of your oven. 

Pull-Apart Cupcakes

Energy-Smart Baking: Choose the Right Recipe and Save!

Start by choosing the right recipe. This is so basic but often over-looked in terms of energy consumption. The BBC’s “easy vanilla cake” recipe instructs to bake your cake for 1 hour and 20 minutes. ONE HOUR AND TWENTY FREAKIN’ MINUTES?! Do we need to take out a second mortgage for a Victoria Sponge?!

BBC Vanilla Cake Recipe

Other than taking baking times into account, think about how many layers you need and how many tins you have. Baking separate shallow layers in separate sandwich tins at the same time will consume less time and energy than baking one deep sponge.

Hero Sponge

The recipe you should be using is our Hero Sponge recipe as you don’t need an electric mixer to make it, you can make countless flavours out of the same base recipe at the same time, and you only need 24-28 minutes of baking time so won’t need to re-mortgage.

Heat It Right: The Pre-Heating Masterplan

Ovens take 15-20 minutes to preheat, and if you’re turning yours on multiple times a day, congrats - you’re basically paying for hot air you never get to use. Let’s be smarter.

Make a plan of not just what cake you’re making, but also the rest of your meal/s for the day - this is to maximise the utilisation of your oven and save on energy costs by avoiding having to pre-heat it multiple times!

What else could you need the oven for? Perhaps you need to blind-bake a pie crust for dinner or roast some vegetables for your side?

You can also pre-plan! You don’t necessarily need to bake your cake on the same day - using the oven for pizza the night before? Bake your sponges! Our Hero Sponge keeps really well for up to 5 days and even longer in the freezer. If it does need all doing on the same day then plan the order. Use the falling heat method - start with the hottest temperature, decreasing as you go through your dishes - so you’re using up the heat from before. Even once the oven is turned off, you can make the most of the residual heat by cooking or heating up something else (perfect for warming up potatoes and sides!)

Efficiency Meets Elegance: A Clean Oven is a Happy Oven

We know it’s not the most glamorous suggestion, but honestly a clean oven is a more efficient oven. At the very least, clean the oven door so you can see inside properly. You wouldn’t have to open it as much to keep an eye on things, so you won't let as much heat escape.

Beyond the Oven: Microwaves, Mug Cakes, and More!

Ovens are a big part of baking but the humble microwave has its place too - using it instead of the hob for melting can be much more efficient! You can make chocolate ganache in the microwave, or temper chocolate for decorations. And if all else fails...there’s always mug cake.

There you have it - energy-efficient baking that doesn’t skimp on cake or joy. Now go forth and bake smarter, not poorer. And if all else fails? Mug cake exists. I won’t judge.

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