My THIRD storybake book! I think the stories have been getting more engaging, and I'm loving being more imaginative with the plots. When I started writing these storybakes I based them on my own and my friends' kids - it was just easier to picture someone I knew and write about them. This one in particular is inspired by one of X-Ray's buddies, Bella.
X-Ray and I made Bella a fake bake 'unofficial' birthday cake. And then I made an 'official' bespoke jungle themed monkey cake, packed with clever little details for her to discover all over her cakescape - little chocolate coconuts, banana fondant cake pops, the Three Wise Monkeys hand-modelled figurines and buttercream foliage galore. The kids went APE over it (harhar).

Every kid would love to be a superhero. So I made Bella one in my third storybake book - Bella and her Super Banana Bread.

It's a bit of a cheeky story, and also features Xavier and Olivia from my previous books who come to help their friend Bella face her fears.

If a big celebrity were to write a foreword about this book, they would probably describe it as an inspiring story about friendship, teamwork, courage and ultimately the triumph of overcoming ones fears. I mean, all that stuff is true, but it's also a very engaging and simple banana bread recipe. NOT forgetting, the added plusses of it being egg-free, milk-free, plant-based and vegan friendly!
Whilst Xavier and his Magical Blueberry Muffins is my first storybake baby and is probably the dearest to me, Bella and her Super Banana Bread is possibly my favourite as it features all the characters in the series thus far. My talented illustrator Irina has yet again done magic with my sketches - the colours are SO vibrant.
And of course, the recipe is simple enough for a toddler to follow (literally), but is delicious for everyone to enjoy! Especially toasted with a nice thick layer of peanut butter.
If you'd like to download the free PDF of the full book, you can do so right here. Printed copies are available to purchase online for delivery worldwide!
Lots of love,
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